Monday, April 4, 2011

Enhance Disability Pension


The Honourable Chief Minister
Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir

Subject: Enhancement of Disability Pension.

Respected Sir,

It is a the best saying that “Citizens and Nations reveal their Character by the way they treat Elderly and the Disable People” Integrated Social security scheme (ISSS) was formulated years back to provide financial assistance to the handicapped people, who are unable to work and are fully dependent on the family. But unfortunately all types of persons with disabilities are covered under the same scheme. JK Persons with disabilities Act 1998, guarantee Equal opportunities, Protection of the Rights and full participation. Thus Rupees 400/= as pension for maintain life is not justice with the differently able people. There are various types and levels of intensity of disabilities. But disability pension under ISSS do not differentiate at all.

A number of stake holders promised that disability pension under ISSS will be increased, keeping in view the rising prices and increase in GDP. Persons with Severe disabilities have some specific medical needs, People who have lost limbs and need prosthetic aid too need some extra expenses. Spinal injured and people dependent on wheel chairs face allied problems like bowel and bladder incontinence, pressure sores and lack of mobility. So they need higher expenses to maintain life.

Keeping all above facts in view it is humbly requested to your good-self that Social security scheme may please be increased from Rs; 400 to 1000 in case of minor disabilities and 2500 in case of severe disabilities. This will help the persons with disabilities to live a life with dignity and honour. Nobody represent persons with disabilities in the JK Assembly. Kindly represent us there, please.

With Respect and Regards

Yours faithfully

Javed Ahmad Tak
Honorary Chairman

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