Monday, April 4, 2011

Persons with Disabilities demand special bus Bus Passes


The Divisional Commissioner
Kashmir Division

Subject: Issue of bus passes for physically challenged persons with Disabilities.

Respected Sir

We the persons with disabilities of Kashmir province are facing immense challenges while travelling in public and government transport. Everywhere in the country the persons with special abilities (disable) mostly blind and orthopaedic disability are given either 50% or 100% concession fare. Recently our group of special children went Delhi. They travelled in local transport there without any fare. Only able escort/caretakers with them were charged fare. It is mandatory there that a person with physical challenge should posses a bus pass. Even without bus passes our special children availed the concession there because their disability was mostly evident.

Here in J&K state we don’t have any bus pass. It would have been a sort of sensitization for transporters to provide concession for differently able people after checking the pass issued by RTO Kashmir. Disability sector has the demand from past decades that special passes may please be issued for seeking concession in bus fare.

It is therefore requested to your highness that kindly strong effective recommendations may please be made in favour of differently able people so that we get special pass from Road Transport Officer Kashmir against submission of our disability certificates and thus can avail concessions in travel/fare as is got by differently able people throughout country.

With Best Regards and Respect

Yours faithfully

Javed Ahmad Tak
Honorary Chairman
Div Com dedicates van for disabled kids Srinagar, Mar 28: The Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Dr. Asgar Samoon today dedicated a van for kids of Helpline Institute of Inclusive Education, which was donated by Humanity Welfare Organisation Helpline Bijbehara. The van will be pressed into service for carrying physically challenged children and other kids from Zeeba Appa School of Inclusive Institution to and fro from their houses. Divisional Commissioner, said the step would encourage the mentally and other physically challenged children not only to continue their studies, but also would help them to compete with their colleagues and contemporaries. Samoon asked the people to come forward and help such kind of kids so that they may not feel alienated in the society. HWO under the patronship of Javeed Ahmed Tak is working for the rights of persons with disabilities and is running a school for children with special needs at Bijbehara. Besides, the organisation is providing free transportation facilities to the needy disabled children to continue their studies.

Agewise Disability in Jammu and Kashmir State as per Census 2001

Disabled population by type of disability,ageAge wtagewise disability in JK age and sex for State Jammu & Kashmir for General(Total)
Disability Total
Sr No Age Group TRU Persons Males Females
1. 0-4 Total 22,226 11,929 10,297
2. 05-09 Total 31,967 17,188 14,779
3. 10-19 Total 65,944 36,086 29,858
4. 20-29 Total 45,301 25,912 19,389
5. 30-39 Total 38,162 22,193 15,969
6. 40-49 Total 31,152 19,153 11,999
7. 50-59 Total 22,514 13,564 8,950
8. 60-69 Total 21,118 12,054 9,064
9. 70-79 Total 13,938 7,899 6,039
10. 80-89 Total 6,473 3,574 2,899
11. 90+ Total 2,349 1,341 1,008
12. Age not stated Total 1,526 923 603
13. Total Total 302,670 171,816 130,854

Conveyance Allowance for the Disable Employees


The Honourable Chief Minister
Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir
Civil Secretariat Jammu.

Subject: Conveyance Allowance for Employees with Disabilities.

Respected Sir

Humanity Welfare organization Helpline is a registered NGO working for the Rights of the persons with disabilities in Jammu and Kashmir state. We are doing advocacy for the persons with disabilities so that they can seek their due and live a dignified life.
In connection to above cited subject it is requested to your good-self that According to civil service rules employees with disabilities are getting conveyance allowance under Article – 328 to 328 – D with effect from 1 – 12 – 1998. The allowance granted is Rs: 200/= or 5 % of basic pay whichever is less.

Therefore all employees with disabilities get Rs 200/= as the amount is less than the 5% of the basic pay. It is also worth to mention that only two types of persons with disabilities “blind” and “orthopaedic” have been covered under the facility of the conveyance allowance.

It is therefore requested that the amount granted is very meagre. Rising prices has created the economic instability and pay dissatisfaction. The persons with disabilities have special needs. They cannot travel in normal transport, mostly in peak hours of office and school trimmings. In addition they have problems in getting on to the overloaded buses. It is not easy to manage our conveyance in rupees 200/=. in many states the conveyance allowance for Employees with Disabilities is more than 1000/= rupees. Therefore it is requested to your highness that employees with disabilities may also be given at least Rs 2000/= two thousands as the conveyance allowance. So that they can also travel with dignity.

The conveyance allowances enhancement will rightly prove the Equal opportunities, Protection of the Rights and full participation as guaranteed by the JK persons with disabilities Act 1998.

With Best Regards

Yours faithfully

Javed Ahmad Tak

JK Bank Support Disability Rights programme

JK Bank’s support to differently abled persons hailed
Srinagar, Mar 18: In line with its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy to contribute toward the weak and underprivileged sections of society in a comprehensive sense, J&K Bank today Co-Sponsored a seminar on the World Disabled Day held at Boys Degree College Anantnag. District Development Commissioner (DDC) Anantnag Kifayat Hussain Rizvi inaugurated the seminar organized by the College through UGC sponsored "Enabling Unit". Speaking in his inaugural address, Rizvi deliberated on the issue and impressed upon the gathering that physically challenged persons must be encouraged to explore their potential in different fields.
Present on the occasion J&K Bank Lead Bank Officer M. Shafi Ayaz apprised the audience about various initiatives that bank has taken for the physically challenged persons at different times.
The participants appreciated the role of bank which it plays towards the fulfillment of social objectives in the state.
Javed Ahmad Tak a Social Activist (a physically challenged person) sought the attention of the J K Bank management towards establishment of A.T.M.'s accessible to physically challenged persons so that they too are able to avail the benefits of such convenient means of the banking system.
Imtiyaz Hussaini Branch Head Tehsil Premises Anantnag presented a cheque to Dr. Yaseen ahmad Shah Principal of the college on this occasion. The audience greeted the generous gesture of the bank with appreciation.

Hailed to support differently abled persons
Smaller Default Larger
Srinagar, Mar 18: In line with its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to contribute toward the weak and underprivileged sections of society in a comprehensive sense, J&K Bank today Co-Sponsored a seminar on the World Disabled Day held at Boys Degree College Anantnag (Islamabad).
DDC Anantnag (Islamabad) Kifayat Hussain Rizvi inaugurated the seminar organized by the College through UGC sponsored “Enabling Unit”. Speaking in his inaugural address, Rizvi deliberated on the issue and impressed upon the gathering that physically challenged persons must be encouraged to explore their potential in different fields.
Javed Ahmad Tak a Social Activist (a physically challenged person) sought the attention of the J K Bank management towards establishment of A.T.M.'s accessible to physically challenged persons so that they too are able to avail the benefits of such convenient means of the banking system.
Present on the occasion J&K Bank Lead Bank Officer M. Shafi Ayaz apprised the audience about various initiatives that bank has taken for the physically challenged persons at different times.The participants appreciated the role of bank which it plays towards the fulfilment of social objectives in the state.

Enhance Disability Pension


The Honourable Chief Minister
Govt. of Jammu and Kashmir

Subject: Enhancement of Disability Pension.

Respected Sir,

It is a the best saying that “Citizens and Nations reveal their Character by the way they treat Elderly and the Disable People” Integrated Social security scheme (ISSS) was formulated years back to provide financial assistance to the handicapped people, who are unable to work and are fully dependent on the family. But unfortunately all types of persons with disabilities are covered under the same scheme. JK Persons with disabilities Act 1998, guarantee Equal opportunities, Protection of the Rights and full participation. Thus Rupees 400/= as pension for maintain life is not justice with the differently able people. There are various types and levels of intensity of disabilities. But disability pension under ISSS do not differentiate at all.

A number of stake holders promised that disability pension under ISSS will be increased, keeping in view the rising prices and increase in GDP. Persons with Severe disabilities have some specific medical needs, People who have lost limbs and need prosthetic aid too need some extra expenses. Spinal injured and people dependent on wheel chairs face allied problems like bowel and bladder incontinence, pressure sores and lack of mobility. So they need higher expenses to maintain life.

Keeping all above facts in view it is humbly requested to your good-self that Social security scheme may please be increased from Rs; 400 to 1000 in case of minor disabilities and 2500 in case of severe disabilities. This will help the persons with disabilities to live a life with dignity and honour. Nobody represent persons with disabilities in the JK Assembly. Kindly represent us there, please.

With Respect and Regards

Yours faithfully

Javed Ahmad Tak
Honorary Chairman