Thursday, December 22, 2011

Disability Rights

Helping hand
Monday, 05 Dec 2011 at 12:220

Govt needs to go beyond token gestures to help people suffering from physical and mental disabilities

The World Disability Day, observed on 3rd of December, was marked by various functions, highlighting the plight of the physically disabled persons. On the occasion, we also get to hear the ministers and officials talk at length about the problems faced by physically disabled and the schemes meant for their welfare. They don’t go beyond the token gestures of giving prosthetic limbs, wheel chairs or cheques to some disabled persons. As a result, the real problems facing them remain unaddressed.

While the physically challenged persons have long been complaining about the government apathy, there has been no real effort on part of the authorities to address their grievances. Even the packages announced by New Delhi from time to time have nothing to offer to these hapless people. The preoccupation of the government to maintain law and order in the valley, particularly in the last three years, has meant that many vulnerable sections of the society continue to suffer. There has been a two-fold increase in the number of physically challenged persons in the valley over the last 10 years. According to Census 2001, there were around three lakh physically challenged persons across the state, which has increased to over seven lakh during the last 10 years. The increase in disability cases is attributed to firing, blasts, street protests and other such incidents. Given the situation in the valley in the last three years, there has been a sharp increase in the number of persons rendered handicap in police and CRPF action. Persons who survive bullet and pellet injuries add to the ever-growing list. There has also been a surge in the mental disorder cases in the past two decades. Some non-governmental organizations like Medicos Sans Frontiers (MSF) have been doing their bit to help the people suffering from anxiety, depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorders. According to MSF, 30 per cent of patients in the valley are suffering from anxiety and depression, 18 per cent are suffering from mental illness as a result of physical health problems, 15 per cent are mood related disorders and rest are suffering from psychological instability, domestic problems and trauma. Among the affected lot, 60 per cent are women. Furthermore, during its studies, MSF has discovered that 50 per cent of these cases have trauma background and in one way or the other related to conflict. The government must take concrete steps to alleviate their sufferings. The government must live up to its claims of improving health sector. It must work for the betterment of persons suffering from physical and mental disabilities.

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